Shaping the future – your long-term financial planning

Our self-conception as advisers encompasses your financial targets in life in particular. Therefore, our approach is correspondingly long-term. Together we discuss concepts and solutions, which help shape the future for you, your family and your enterprises.

We work out the essential features of your financial means and document them in a clear manner. Considerations derived therefrom will make it easier and simpler for you to decide on the financial impact of various stages in your life.

Successfully handing over things to the next generation is important for each of us, but not always easy to implement. Meaningful talks with well-structured questions will help us – proposals for solutions with a practical orientation. Furthermore, we provide support for foundations: from target-oriented concept via establishment to their practical work.

COLLEGIUM is an owner-led, medium-sized enterprise – hence we discuss liquidity management and family solutions on an equal footing with enterprises. A broad network rounds everything off.